Bere Regis Floral Group
The Bere Regis Floral Group
meets in the afternoon (2:00pm)
on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at:
The Village Hall
North Street (junction with West Street)
Winterborne Kingston
DT11 9AZ
The club has been established for sixty five years and membership usually remains at around forty.
We have a broad mix of members. There is a nucleus of members who are keen competitors at both Area and National level, members who simply like to take part in festivals and church flowers and also those who just like to come along for an afternoon of fun and friendship. Our membership includes two men, all keen competitors.
Our demonstrators invariably remark on the warmth of the welcome they have received and this reflects the warm and friendly atmosphere that pervades our meetings.
Most of our meetings are demonstrations, either by area or national demonstrators, and we usually include one or two workshops each year, tutored by external teachers or by experienced club members.
We welcome visitors and new members.
Chairman: Bob Holman - - 01305 848262
Secretary: Sheila Cox- - 01305 849193
Programme Secretary: Penny Price - 01258 837505