Many thanks to our retiring Area Chairman, Sylvia Preston, for organising a fabulous day of Fun, Friends and Flowers. During the morning AGM we said farewell and thanks to Sylvia, presenting her with a gift voucher for a special tea at The Priory in Wareham plus flowers. We welcomed Karen Boyce from Weymouth and Dorchester clubs, into the role of Area Chairman and Alison Yeates from Verwood into the Vice Chair role. We send our Congratulations and best wishes to them both. Our Area Secretary, Sheila Bendall is staying in that role and Clive & Pat Cherrett continue as our Treasurer and Assistant. Area President, Carrie Diamond thanked all the Officers and Area Representatives for the work they have done throughout the year.
After the hot lunch we were treated to a beautiful demonstration by Alison Penno from Devon & Cornwall Area. Her designs were super and here’s one of the special blooms she included in her demonstration.