Author: emediaofficer
It’s GOLD!!!! Our Chelsea 2017 Team struck gold with “A Walk Through Time” There were wild celebrations at 7am when the team found their medal. Congratulations to everyone who helped achieve this accolade for the Area.
It’s a “Picnic in the Park” – Silver Medal winner at RHS Malvern Spring Show for the team from Shaftesbury representing the Area. Picture courtesy of Krys Gigiel
Delighted to hear the team representing us at Malvern from Shaftesbury Club received a Silver Medal. Congratulations and thanks to them all.
Our New Acting Area Chairman
Sandy Milne takes over as Area Chairman
It was sad to hear at Area Council yesterday that Jan Preen has had to stand down as Area Chairman due to health problems. We are delighted that Sandy Milne, our Vice Chairman has agreed to take on the role of Chairman immediately. We will all give her our support and hope that Jan’s problems are resolved soon.
Chelsea Team are on fire!
Check out their Facebook page : Chelsea 2017 Dorset & Guernsey
Winter Wonderland begins our Christmas Celebrations
Our home team gave a sparkling demonstration titled “Winter Wonderland”. A delicious lunch and the surprise entertainment from the Purbeck Quire and our traditional carol service gave us a lovely start to our Christmas celebrations.
News of a great AGM
Good AGM this morning, Rees and Jean retired from office after a great 2 years of work on our behalf. Good Luck to Jan and Sandra as our new Chairman and Area Secretary.
Super demonstration from Nigel Whyles this afternoon completed a very enjoyable day.
Stage photo used by kind permission of Nigel Whyles.
Dorset & Guernsey Area on Facebook too
The Area now has its own presence on Facebook. Click to follow the Area or paste this link
Chelsea Team now on Facebook
The Chelsea Team now have their own Facebook page. To keep up to date with their news visit Chelsea 2017 Dorset & Guernsey. Click here to follow the team or paste this link into your browser