Cutting the anniversary cake, Area President Annette Parker, Club Chairman Elaine Knight, Club President Carrie Diamond and Area Chairman Sandra Taylor.
Members enjoying an anniversary lunch at The Priory, Wareham
Our Area AGM saw Sandy Milne complete her term in office as Area Chairman.
Sandra Taylor now takes over that role, with Sylvia Preston as Vice Chairman. Eileen Woodward becomes the new Area Secretary.
The AGM was followed by a very entertaining demonstration full of wonderful garden plant material and beautiful flowers, by National Demonstrator David Ryland.
A small group of members from West Moors Flower Group set up a stall at the West Moors Multi Activity Day (MAD) held on a fine day in July this year to give people – young and old – the chance to try flower arranging.
Yogurt pots were filled with prepared Oasis, flowers and foliage were provided together with instruction. A good number of people took up the challenge and some interesting arrangements were produced. Ready made arrangements were also available to purchase. It is possible that we will gain new members too.