The NAFAS AGM 2023
The 64th Virtual Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at 1030am.
For further details and the link to join the virtual meeting go to the NAFAS website nearer the time
Area AGM – Tuesday 24th October 2023
Marilyn Nourse retires from the JDE&S committee after over 30 years service

Founder member of Sherborne Flower Club helps Celebrates 70th Anniversary
Sherborne Flower Club members were delighted to share their Platinum Anniversary evening with Doreen Sharpe who is 102 years young and was a founder member of the club back in June 1953. Honoured guests Area President Carrie Diamond, Area Chairman Sylvia Preston and Vice Chairman Karen Boyce were also in attendance along with 20 club members and Doreen’s daughter Polly.
A finger buffet, scrumptious elderflower and lemon celebration cake made by Wendy Wheeler and fizz was followed by a wonderful floral demonstration from the very entertaining and knowledgeable Michael Bowyer.
Photographs by Peter Rylands show.
- Doreen Sharpe and Michael Bowyer pre demo
- Club members and guests
- Philippa Louden Club President and Eileen Fort Chairman cutting the cake.
Floral Renaissance Another Triumph for Dorset & Guernsey Area
We welcomed members and visitors to Thomas Hardye School in Dorchester over the last few days and they all appreciated the stunning work by our talented members. The demonstration by Arnaud Metairie on Saturday afternoon was a delight and the audience applauded his use of colour and design and his humour.
The Best in Show went to Steve Diamond in the Class “Cityscape”. The judges said” True Show Quality”. Runner up to Best in Show went to Diana Holman in the Class “Dance through time”
Congratulations to all the competitors, without them there would be no show. Thanks and Congratulations also to Karen Boyce, Show Chairman and her committee and all the helpers who made this another triumph for Dorset & Guernsey Area.

Diana Holman
It’s getting close. The excitement is growing!

A message from our Area Show Chairman
A message from Karen, Show Chairman.
Thank you to all those who have entered the Area show or have volunteered to do a stint
on the refreshment counter.
For those who have difficulty accessing the website you can still enter classes until the end
of June, by emailing or phoning Sylvia , 01929 553697.
If you can spare a couple of hours to help with refreshments or stewarding please get in
touch with me, or 01305 834640.
Thank you for your kind support.
Floral Renaissance, The Dorset & Guernsey Area Show 2023 28th & 29th July
We look forward to welcoming you to our Area Show where flower arrangers from across the county compete in some very exciting classes. There will be refreshments available, workshops and more.
Entry for non flower club members is £5.
On Saturday afternoon at 2pm we look forward to a floral demonstration by Arnaud Metairie. Tickets are £16. Book your ticket by contacting 07776 175673 or tickets will be available on the door.