Two Quick Designs by Elizabeth Witcomb

Two weeks seem to fly by and it’s now time for our fifth floral demonstration. Today we have “Two Quick Designs” by Elizabeth Witcomb. You can find the link on the button on our About the Area page.
In the weeks to follow we’re delighted to feature demonstrations from Allison Finch, Denise Jones and Julie Jeanes as well as Liz, Irene and Carrie.
We’ve got a super mix of designs so we hope there is something for everyone. 
Don’t worry if you can’t view the videos immediately, they are not going away. Our Dorset & Guernsey YouTube channel will be there for you to drop into at any time. Please tell your friends about it too.
A big thank you to all the demonstrators and their partners who’ve been helping with filming and calming  nerves and especially to Steve who is editing all the videos and getting over our stumbles!